
Most cryptocurrencies are ERC-20 tokens, such as USDC or DAI.

ERC20 tokens are useful for things like a medium of exchange currency, voting rights, and staking because any one token is exactly equal to any other token, no tokens have special rights or behavior associated with them.

A wallet's token balance can be read by anyone with access to the internet.

Transferring Tokens

When a wallet sends a token it owns to another wallet, it submits a transaction to the ERC-20 smart contract running on the blockchain to change the balance of the tokens the sender owns to the wallet they are transferring to.

Once the transaction is mined, the Blockchain will now reflect that the recipient owns these tokens now and can transfer their ownership of them as they wish.

Tokens are not held in a wallet.

Wallets are assigned a balance of tokens they own on the ERC-20 smart contract.

You can deploy your own using this action.

pageDeploy ERC-20

Learn more about Tokens here

Last updated