Deploy ERC-20

Deploy an ERC-20 NFT smart contract.


Allow users to create their own fungible digital currency within your app.

Most major cryptocurrencies follow the ERC-20 standard, such as USDC, DAI, or W-ETH.

Unlike the Token Drop contract, the ERC-20 contract does not allow users to claim tokens under the criteria of claim conditions. Tokens must be minted

Parent Element

Deploy Smart Contracts

Drop this element onto the page first to access this action.

Action Name

Deploy ERC-20 a Deploy Smart Contract

Action Parameters

Press "Show Documentation" under the input for more information on each field.

Exposed States

The following states are available once this action has run.

ERC-20 Contract Address

The smart contract address of the deployed ERC-20 smart contract.

ERC-20 Deployment Error

The error that occurred when deploying an ERC-20 smart contract.


ERC-20 Contract Deployed

An ERC-20 smart contract was successfully deployed.

ERC-20 Deployment Error

An error occurred while deploying an ERC-20 smart contract.

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Last updated