Deploy ERC-721

Deploy an ERC-721 NFT smart contract.


The NFT Collection contract is suitable for when you want to have a collection of unique NFTs, but not "drop" or "release" them for your community to claim.

NFTs minted from an ERC-721 smart contract are each assigned a unique token ID, this is what makes each NFT truly non-fungible.

Unlike the NFT Drop contract, the ERC-721 Collection contract does not lazy mint your NFTs. Instead, NFTs are minted immediately when they are added to the collection. You can transfer the NFTs or sell them on a Marketplace.

Parent Element

Deploy Smart Contracts

Drop this element onto the page first to access this action.

Action Name

Deploy ERC-721 collection a Deploy Smart Contract

Action Parameters

Press "Show Documentation" under the input for more information on each field.

Exposed States

The following states are available once this action has run.

ERC-721 Collection Contract Address

The smart contract address of the deployed ERC-721 smart contract.

ERC-721 Collection Deployment Error

The error that occurred when deploying an ERC-721 smart contract.


ERC-721 Collection Contract Deployed

An ERC-721 collection smart contract was successfully deployed.

ERC-721 Collection Deployment Error

An error occurred while deploying an ERC-721 collection smart contract.

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