Mint ERC-1155 NFT From Signature

Use a signed payload to mint a ERC-1155 NFT.


Use this action to mint an ERC-1155 NFT from a signed payload.

This signed payload is generated using the Generate ERC-1155 Mint Signature action.

Parent Element

Smart Contracts Actions

Drop this element onto the page first to access this action.

Action Name

Signature Mint - Mint ERC-1155 From Signature a Smart Contracts Actions.

Action Parameters

Press "Show Documentation" under the input for more information on each field.

The connected wallet must have a balance of "Native Token" to cover the network fee for interacting with the contract. (eg. ETH on Ethereum, or MATIC on Polygon).

Gasless Transaction 😱

As mentioned above, when a user would like to claim an NFT from your smart contract they must hold a balance of native tokens in their connected wallet to pay the network fee (gas fee) to claim the NFT from your contract.

This can lead to poor UX for new web3 users!

A solution to this problem is to use a Biconomy relayer to cover this gas fee for your users. All your user will need to do is sign a transaction with their connected wallet, then the transaction will be relayed to your Biconomy account to pay the gas fee to claim the NFT.

Learn how to set up a Biconomy relayer here

Exposed States

The following states are available once this action has run.

Signature Mint - ERC-1155 Minted Token ID

The token ID of the signature minted ERC-1155 NFT.

Signature Mint - ERC-1155 Mint Error

The error that occurred while signature minting an ERC-1155 NFT.


Signature Mint - ERC-1155 NFT Signature Minted

An ERC-1155 NFT was successfully signature minted.

Signature Mint - ERC-1155 Mint Error

An error occurred while signature minting an ERC-1155 NFT.

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Last updated